Hosting Business Hosting

Strong SSD Business Hosting

More for you performance|uptime|security we provide

Special for high email quota, more performance, reliable web and email services Our Business Hosting Packages are just for you.
  • Strong Server Infrastructure
  • High Email Quota
  • No Shared Private IP
View Packages FAQ
$5.84 /Mo $2.92/Mo ₺200.26/Mo ₺100.13/Mo starting from

Linux Enterprise Hosting Packages

With the high quota e-mail service, save more e-mails and do not miss your e-mails!


20% discount in cart
$ 3.5 /mo
119.99 /mo
$ 36.74 /yr
1259.88 /yr
$ 2.92 /mo
99.99 /mo
$ 34.99 /yr
1199.89 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Non-Shared IP
  • 1 Site Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 10 x 1GB Email
  • 1 Core CPU / 2GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate


20% discount in cart
$ 9.99 /mo
342.58 /mo
$ 104.99 /yr
3600.35 /yr
$ 8.33 /mo
285.74 /mo
$ 99.99 /yr
3428.9 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Hosting Specific|Non-Shared IP
  • 10 Sites Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 25 x 2GB Email
  • 2 Core CPU / 4GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate


20% discount in cart
$ 16.99 /mo
582.63 /mo
$ 189.92 /yr
6512.95 /yr
$ 15.07 /mo
516.9 /mo
$ 180.88 /yr
6202.81 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Hosting Specific|Non-Shared IP
  • Unlimited Sites Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 50 x 2GB Email
  • 2 Core CPU / 4GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate

Windows Enterprise Hosting Packages


20% discount on cart
$ 3.4 /mo
116.56 /mo
$ 35.69 /yr
1223.88 /yr
$ 2.83 /mo
97.13 /mo
$ 33.99 /yr
1165.6 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Non-Shared IP
  • 1 Site Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • 1x2GB MSSQL
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 10 Pieces Email
  • 1GB Email Quota
  • 1 Core CPU
  • 2GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate
Net Core 5 Desteği


20% discount on cart
$ 5.4 /mo
185.15 /mo
$ 56.69 /yr
1944.02 /yr
$ 4.5 /mo
154.29 /mo
$ 53.99 /yr
1851.45 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Non-Shared IP
  • 5 Site Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • 5x2GB MSSQL
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 25 Pieces Email
  • 1GB Email Quota
  • 1 Core CPU
  • 2GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate
Net Core 5 Desteği


20% discount on cart
$ 14.99 /mo
514.04 /mo
$ 188.87 /yr
6476.95 /yr
$ 14.99 /mo
514.04 /mo
$ 179.88 /yr
6168.52 /yr
  • Renewal Prices
  • Renewal Prices
  • Hosting Specific|Free|Non-Shared IP
  • Unlimited Sites Hosting
  • Unlimited SSD Disk
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • 10x2GB MSSQL
  • Unlimited MySQL
  • 50 Pieces Email
  • 2GB Email Quota
  • 2 Core CPU
  • 4GB Ram
  • Free SSL Certificate
Net Core 5 Desteği

Corporate Hosting Features

Static IP, Free Moving, Free SSL and jet-speed opening performance is just for you.

SSD Disk Performance

Our entire infrastructure is equipped with SSD high-speed disk and cutting-edge hardware.

Free SSL

You can use Let's Encrypt free SSL certificate in all hosting packages.

One ​​Click Installation

Install frequently used applications such as WordPress and Joomla with one click with your panel.

Quick Support

Our support team is always with you. Solution-oriented, fast and Turkish ticket support!

Free Private IP

Your Domain Name will easily rise in search engines with its completely unshared IP address.

Quick Pages

Let your websites open faster on specially optimized corporate servers.

Call us +90 (850) 441 51 67 send a message [email protected]

Let's determine your needs together with our customer advisors and decide on the most suitable solution for you! Contact Us
kurumsal hosting
High Performance

Enterprise Enhancements

In order to get the best performance in Corporate Hosting Packages, all of our infrastructure is in Turkey. and SSD Disk, Dual Processor and state-of-the-art corporate hardware, 100% owned by our company we use.

In order to provide the best performance and speed for your websites to be published faster. We are constantly improving our infrastructure. Enterprise servers and ECC with Intel Xeon E5 processor We provide the best service with servers with registered memories.

With Advanced Anti-Spam

Your Emails Are Safe

Completely free Corporate Antispam service for clean and safer email addresses and We offer antivirus service. A very advanced special Antispam and Antivirus for your mail accounts. With our service, we save you from unnecessary harmful e-mails, allowing you to focus only on your business.

With a spam filtering ability close to 99%, not only you but all employees are protected from spam mails. As a business, you will only see the e-mails you want to see.

kurumsal hosting
kurumsal hosting
We Protect Your Website

Web Applications are an essential part of your business. Known attackers in web applications They can infiltrate your website and data using security vulnerabilities. Web Application With the Firewall (WAF), you can completely protect your website from attackers and malicious attacks. We protect it for free.

Since all our web hosting servers are based on Cloudlinux and CageFS as both a source and security by creating isolation between users in the cage structure. increases system stability. At the same time, with our special material scanning system, you can view your website files instantly and for a certain period of time. We perform a scanning process and purify it from harmful codes. So your website is safe We keep it on the air.

Quick Pages

Our servers are specially designed in software and hardware for fast opening of your sites. optimized.

99.5% Uptime

Our 24/7 monitored servers offer an average of 99.5% and above access.

Instant Activation

We provide instant activation for orders you have made with a credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Unlimited Features

Don't get hung up on the limits! Use your SSD Unlimited Hosting freely.

Free SSL

You can use Let's Encrypt free SSL certificate in all hosting packages.

SSD Performance

All of our infrastructure is equipped with SSD high-speed disk and cutting-edge hardware.

Quick Support

Our Support Team is Always With You When You Have Problems. Solution Oriented, Fast and Turkish Ticket Support!

Free Domain

For annual purchases in the specified packages, free com, net and org extensions We provide domain name or transfer.

Return Guarantee

We are Confident and Unconditional 15 Days Back Guarantee on All Our Hosting Packages We offer.

Domestic Data Center

Access speed to websites or applications is very important for companies. To all services access is from the fastest domestic location.

While all our servers are located in Turkey / Istanbul, located at the center of the internet network. Therefore, our customers with corporate hosting in this way, it has the fastest access to the websites from within the country.

  • Tier III Certified
  • 99% Accessibility
  • Domestic Quick Access
  • 100% Domestic Capital
  • Redundant Hardware
  • Quick Support

Call us +90 (850) 441 51 67 send a message [email protected]

Let's determine your needs together with our customer advisors and decide on the most suitable solution for you! Contact Us
What Our Users Said?

Customer Reviews

Comments from our customers according to Hostadvice records

Kurumsal Web Hosting

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions you may have about our Corporate Hosting service
What is corporate hosting?
In special packages created by considering the needs of corporate companies, namely businesses. It is the name given to the web hosting service that is provided by combining high e-mail quota e-mail service and performance website broadcasting, and strengthened with a static ip address.
What is a non-shared IP address?
With its Dedicated IP address, it ensures that your site does not receive broadcasts from different websites over the same IP address. In summary, it allows your site to have a completely unshared IP address. It has many implications for both search engine optimization and security. With the unshared ip address, the e-mail and the ip address of your site will be specially defined.
Why should I buy enterprise hosting?
The biggest feature of our corporate hosting service is that it offers advanced email service and antispam mail filtering along with the high email quota that companies need. It is also available on different servers with individual accounts for hassle-free email service.
How can I upgrade my current hosting package to Business Hosting?
You can upgrade your existing package to corporate hosting packages by making a call with our team, either by phone or by creating a support request.
Are your corporate hosting packages Wordpress or Joomla compatible?
Our corporate hosting packages are specially optimized to work 100% compatible with Wordpress and Joomla. And also Our servers are frequently used such as Opencart , PrestaShop , phpBB , SMF , Mybb and Vbulletin. It has been specially optimized to be 100% compatible with many software. You can easily install more than 250 ready-made software with a single click through your panel.
How about Unlimited Disk and Traffic?
Our hosting packages are specially configured for personal, small business and organizational websites. As long as it complies with our usage agreement, there is no limit to the storage space and bandwidth your site can use. Thus, you will not experience problems such as running out of traffic quota or running out of disk space in a limited account.
Which PHP versions and components do you support?
We support all PHP versions up to PHP 5.3 and PHP 7.4. With a single click from your panel you can change it for your site. Hundreds of frequently used components such as Ioncube , GD , Mbstring , PDO , SOAP and zend can be downloaded from your panel. You can activate it as you wish.
Do my e-mail accounts support IMAP and POP3?
You can share your e-mail accounts to multiple devices, either as POP3 or IMAP compatible, according to your preference. You can install and send and receive e-mail.
Can you move my hosting service from a different company?
Moving a website is a laborious task, we are aware of this. Therefore, in a different We can transfer your hosted site to your hosting package free of charge. Completely You can benefit from our free transportation service. 100% transport guarantee for this service However, we take maximum care to move your site smoothly.
How about free backup?
In our hosting packages, we make free backups to a different backup unit on a weekly basis. However, this backup service does not provide a data guarantee. Therefore, data responsibility is a priority. belongs to our users. Our customers can get a full backup via the hosting control panel or If you wish, you can purchase paid backup service in daily or 3-day periods.
Where are your servers located?
Our servers In our TIER3 certified Comnet datacenter located in Turkey / Istanbul, our company's private In our encrypted cabins, we broadcast on the equipment of our company. Therefore, access to your sites will be realized quickly from domestic and abroad.
Do you have an inode ( number of files ) limit ?
We limit our Corporate Hosting packages to 300,000 files.
Can I upgrade my package without loss?
You can switch your package to higher packages as you wish. Any packet transitions There is no data loss.
What is Hostixo Name server ( NS ) information ?
You can use the following nameserver records for your hosting account in our company. For Linux Enterprise Hosting: – – For Windows Enterprise Hosting: – –
What types of content can I host on my hosting service?
T.R. comply with the laws, do not have harmful purposes, do not violate copyrights and our contract, Content that does not contain content that will harm other sites on the server Other than this, no backup can be used, files and video It cannot be used as a share point.

Still Undecided?

Contact us and let's decide together with our expert team the most suitable solution for your needs.


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Hostixo, within the framework of the clarification obligations of Article 10 of the KVKK No. 6698, uses it in accordance with the law so that you can make the most of it. By visiting our site and By using our services, you agree to these terms.